W29 Showroom Spring Preview

I tried on this Rodebjer perforated leather puff sleeve jacket with what I was wearing. Fifth Avenue Shoe Repair Shirt, H&M leather skirt, Vivienne Westwood x Melissa shoes, vintage belt, Ideeen necklace, Devaki hat, studded bracelet from St. Marks

Yesterday night, Christina, Chet, Shelley, Chris and I stopped by W29 Showroom to preview the new Spring 2010 collections that just arrived, and to place our personal orders. It was Shelley's first time back since leaving the showroom a few months ago to accommodate her intense practice schedule for Violet Hour, so it was a bittersweet reunion. The collections couldn't be more amazing. We immediately flocked to the Rodebjer racks, a long standing favorite amongst all of my friends, and ooohed and ahhhed over the new collection of limited edition Rodebjer pieces called 10 x 10, as well as the dozens of buttery soft leather jackets that Carin Rodebjer had created for Spring (while pregnant, nonetheless!). I can't share full pictures of the collection yet, but I can give you a peek at our favorite pieces. I know that I will definitely be ordering one of the perforated leather coats or jackets, I just have no idea which one I will pick yet...

Christina tried on this Rodebjer jacket with her vintage floral dress and Marc x Marc boots

Chet loved this corduroy jacket by his former employer, Rodebjer

Shelley fell in love with this patchworky vest from Rodebjer

A front view of the vest

Chris found that all the pieces from The Local Firm (a new addition to the showroom lineup) fit him perfectly, especially this jacket

Shelley was debating between these two pairs of studded heels from Rodebjer. What do you think?

As usual, Susanne had plenty of my favorite Swedish candies to nibble on, and a cake for one of the interns who was leaving. So sweet!

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