An Afternoon with Dior.

I had the pleasure of taking an amazing class last semester that covered major trends in fashion from 1900 to the 1970s. Being a lover of vintage, I was familiar with a lot of the subject matter, but I found out there was a LOT I didn't know. Spending 4 hours a week soaking up knowledge about the great designers (and trends) of the 20th century was to say the least, a dreamy ideal for me! This particular day, my instructor brought in her limited edition Christian Dior "New Look" Barbie. She is not only is wearing exact copies of his 1947  "Corolle" collection but also has authentic underpinnings as well! I don't think I've been this enamored with a Barbie since I was 8.

The only logical after school activity for fashion students? Reading the latest glossies at Chapters. Marisa and I tend to get a little silly around each other...

Thrifted jacket, shirt.
Gap skirt.
Urban Outfitters necklace.
Dollar Store tights.
Granny's Bootery boots.

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