thank heaven for little girls...

Thank heaven for little girls

for little girls get bigger every day!
Thank heaven for little girls
they grow up in the most delightful way!
Those little eyes so helpless and appealing
one day will flash and send you crashin' thru the ceilin'
Thank heaven for little girls
thank heaven for them all,
no matter where no matter who
for without them, what would little boys do?
Thank heaven... thank heaven...
Thank heaven for little girls!'

Do you remember Gigi, the movie? The doe eyes of Leslie Caron, the warbling wisdom of Maurice Chevalier as he 'thanked heaven for little girls' and the suave charms of Louis Jourdan as they sang and danced their way around Paris. Based on a Colette novel, this movie directed by Vincent Minnelli, is so delightfully old fashioned and makes for a couple of hours of pure escapism...

No thinking required...a perfect holiday weekend watch.....xv

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