Style is Indeed Style.**

I'll admit, I spend most of last week lounging about in the Style is Style dress. It's pretty much perfection, if I do say so myself. Thanks again to ModCloth for everything, I still can't believe it!

This was the most wonderful Sunday, spent with great friends and delicious food! Cassie and Nisha were in town from Abbotsford, and Kate and I spent a sunny day with them in the city. The Templeton is one of my favourite downtown haunts and I discovered this week that you can poutine your fries! For all you non-Canadians, poutine may very well be the best thing to happen to fries. Actually, I know it is. AMAZING.

I had the fortune of finding a black straw porkpie hat at H&M that day, and I liked it so much I wore it out of the store! That rarely happens, trust me. It was $10 in the Men's section! And yes, Kate is trying on the Jeffery Campbell unicorn heels. Sadly, no, they didn't come home with us!

**This is an ongoing joke with my boyfriend and friends who know I blog. I find my blog name a little redundant (granted it's from this song, and in context it doesn't sound as silly!), and so do they apparently. It usually goes something like:
Friend: Lydia, what IS style?
Me: Style is And also style!

Thrifted vest, shoes, belt.
H&M hat.
Modcloth Style is Style dress.

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