One Fine Day.

This was a wonderful summer day, spent visiting the Waldorf Hotel, which is situated so perfectly in relevance to our house. There were several art exhibits/galleries and production companies set up in different rooms, and Kate and I had fun wandering through.

I wish the weather had been warmer this summer, I only got to wear this dress a couple of times! It's a real shame, since it's one of the first dresses I've had that has great back details. Funny story, I snagged this dress when it accidentally got priced at $20! I caught it (and know the protocol), and the sweet deal was mine.

I've got to admit, I was a little nervous to post a photo of my...erm...rear view. As a lady who is blessed (or cursed) in the area of booty, I am always unnerved by photos shot from behind. Generally shot front on, I figured that since we know each other fairly well, a little 360° perspective was due. Perhaps I'm being neurotic and self-conscious, but even bloggers have their days, no?

A big thanks to Nylon Magazine, for featuring my tumblr as their "Site of The Day" last weekend!!! I was very surprised when a friend told me about the post!

Lark & Wolff by Steven Alan dress | Thrifted leather oxfords, sunglasses

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