Arrojo Anniversary
Stine Goya dress, VPL bra, L.D. Tuttle shoes, Triskaidekaphobia necklace. Photos by David Ducane.
A little while back, I got my hair cut by the amazing stylists at Arrojo Studio. As part of their tenth anniversary, Arrojo selected twenty bloggers to get a full hair make-over, and the results were revealed at a party on Wednesday evening. I'm friends with a bunch of the stylists at Arrojo, so it was a pleasure to hang out with the whole gang, who take work and play very very seriously. It was the perfect way to start of Fashion Week, and I can't wait to go back to get my hair colored again (I'm thinking blue highlights, against my husband's wishes). Thanks to Topher, and everyone else at the studio for the haircut and styling, and to Socialyte for making the whole thing possible!
A little while back, I got my hair cut by the amazing stylists at Arrojo Studio. As part of their tenth anniversary, Arrojo selected twenty bloggers to get a full hair make-over, and the results were revealed at a party on Wednesday evening. I'm friends with a bunch of the stylists at Arrojo, so it was a pleasure to hang out with the whole gang, who take work and play very very seriously. It was the perfect way to start of Fashion Week, and I can't wait to go back to get my hair colored again (I'm thinking blue highlights, against my husband's wishes). Thanks to Topher, and everyone else at the studio for the haircut and styling, and to Socialyte for making the whole thing possible!
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