Happy Birthday, Dear Mitzi! (Part One)

I am still very behind in my posts: this one is actually from Mitzi Cocoa's birthday, back at the end of August. I'm splitting it up into a two parter because I took a lot of photos that day!

We went for lunch at the Foundation, which has some of the yummiest vegetarian food I've ever tasted!
Then...outfit time! Mitzi looked amazing (quite the birthday girl) in a frothy pink dress (which I happen to own as well). We both bought the lovely H&M dress on our trip to NYC, where we first met!
 It's amazing the kind of friends you meet through blogging.

PS. That silver heart is a heart shaped flask (and Mitzi's bday present).
I had a hard time giving it to her, so cute I wanted to keep it!

Thrifted dress. Red Light hat.
Payless boots. UO tights and trench.

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