{ night of a thousand awesomes }

last night's alexander wang party ~ held at the same mobil gas station where elle.com found me last week ~ may easily prove to be the highlight of new york fashion week. i probably don't even need to leave the house again.

in the coolest catering choice ever, all the candy and red bull and tic-tacs in the convenience store were free, so the crowd was completely sugar-high by the time COURTNEY LOVE appeared onstage (in front of the carwash). no big deal, just totally surreal.

i was glad to have my favorite merry-maker by my side to geek out with, and to assure me that all the ridiculousness around us was real:

case in point? i shouldn't have been a bit surprised to run into the inimitable tavi backstage (aka: the oil change center) after the show. that's just fashion week for ya!

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