I Spy...
I spy with my little eye a couple of exciting new collaborations that Urban Outfitter's has in store for the holidays. Andrea sent me a catalog to preview, and while I flipped through the pages, a couple of items immediately popped out. First, the gorgeously glittery pinata creations of Confetti Systems, which have already made an appearance in an installation at Urban's Space 15 Twenty, look like they will be available at all UO stores. I've been admiring their creations for a while, but they come at quite a hefty price, and I'm hoping that the ones that UO will be selling might be a bit cheaper. They're way too pretty to be smashed open, and personally I would like to get my hands on a few for holiday decorations, seeing as my tiny New York apartment can't fit a Christmas tree.
Second, I noticed the heavy rhinestone encrusted jewels from BleachBlack, (I'm just making the assumption that it's made by bloggers Valerie and Kristen, and not some other label with the same name?) which also look stunning. Unfortunately, I don't have any real information about the products, how much they cost, etc, since they only sent us pictures, but rest assured I have already started saving my money accordingly.
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