Shaken not stirred...

I have had a little crush on martini tables for a while now and am collecting them whenever I have the chance...the philosophy that, 'you can never have enough' applies very well to these dear little tables. The French variety are made of beaten metal and finished with either a dark bronze or a rustic gold patina. They have a simple base attached to forked feet that are decorated with a twist or two. They are light and easy to move and as a girl who likes to change things around on a daily basis this is an exceptional feature. Today you see them by an armchair in the sitting room; tomorrow they may well be by the bed, stacked with paperbacks. These tables look pretty on their own or pretty grouped together. They are gorgeous covered with flickering tea lights or multiple vases of fresh flowers. But best of all.....they look fabulous with their namesake, the martini.

Easy Dry Martini

4oz vodka (or gin, this is just my preference)
a mean splash of dry vermouth
a good green olive or two (you may prefer a lemon twist but I am an olive lover as you know)

chill the cocktail glass right down
pour the vodka and the merest hint of vermouth into a shaker filled with ice cubes
stir for 30 seconds
strain into the chilled glass
pop the olive straight in for a saltier taste or garnish using a skewer 

image - me

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