{ glamporium morn } the golden corral

first of all, i'd like to thank everyone who participated in the discussion surrounding exactitudes! i have enjoyed reading your reactions ~ please keep them coming. although there is no right way to respond to such a startling social study, i do like the way joelle van dyne phrased things: "in the end, i think the best thing is to figure out what you like, and what looks good on you, and wear it, and not worry about who else is or isn't wearing it." indeed!

that being said, i think anyone would look great ~ and totally one-of-a-kind ~ in these brand new jewels. better yet, i'll be donating 10% of all this week's sales to doctors without borders, to aid the relief efforts in haiti. please click here if you don't want to shop, but are able to give!

{click any pic to jump to its listing}

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