{ glamourai diy } candied crumbcatcher

i'm finally putting the finishing touches on my spring bauble collar, which gives me a chance to show you all how it's done!

i started with a swatch of silver/white brocade for the front, and white faille for the backing (on the original necklace, i used heavy black satin for both sides). i attached a layer of iron-on fusible interfacing to the wrong side of both pieces, to help hold the weight of the beading.

it is most important to get the curve of the neck right; for this i suggest tracing the neckline of a favorite t-shirt, so you know it will fit. the shape of the rest is up to you:

i knew i wanted some bright spring colors on this piece, so i first appliqued a patch of embroidered pink silk (cut from a vintage coin purse) onto the front of the bib, and chose some black grosgrain for the back, to give contrast and closure.

next i pinned the top & bottom pieces together, with right sides facing, and stitched around the bottom curve only, leaving the top curve (which hugs the neck) open:

then i turned it right-side out, pressed the seam flat, attached the ribbon tails, and began to add the decoration!

i raided all my jewelry, bead, button, and miscellaneous material stashes for this project, using vintage brooches, fabric scraps, broken bracelets, mismatched earrings and chipped chandelier crystals to decorate my breast-plates. leave no stone unturned ~ literally ~ you'll be surprised what will work!

the reason for not yet sewing up the neckline is so that you can get your needle + thread between the two fabric layers when attaching the beading ~ once you feel you've added enough, simply close the top with a neat hand-stitch (i used black thread for emphasis).

i plan to seek out a few more rhinestone bits before this one's ready to wear, but i couldn't wait any longer to share the process with you!

if you have any questions, let me know & i'll do my best to answer them in the comments section. happy crafting!!!

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