
Trine Elmkvist dress. All photos from Spot On: TEXTILES.

I know some of you are probably wondering what the hell happened to the old DIY section of this blog. Well, to make a long story short, I have been plodding through a long, tedious (and not very pretty looking) DIY that's taken up the better part of the last five months, and all other side projects and ideas have fallen to the wayside. I'm pretty close to being done with it, and finding these pictures of knitwear designer Trine Elmkvist's work on the excellent Spot On: TEXTILES blog might give me the kick in the pants to finally finish it, if only to move on to other projects. Danish designer Elmkvist's knitwear is inspired by collage making, and most of the garments she knits are constructed from a patchwork of crochet and knit pieces, with the end results having a soft geometric form. Not only are all of the pieces entirely handmade, but Elmkvist even makes some of the yarn herself! While I would never dare try to replicate these dresses, I will definitely be inspired to try out some experimental patchworking at home...


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