Kissed By A Rose

I remember seeing our friend Chris Habana's first show six or seven years ago at the Asia Society. Chris was still designing clothes at that point, and sent out a neon-accented array of hooded shirts and capes, all inspired by Dungeons and Dragons style fantasy games. While it is a shame he doesn't design clothes anymore, I remember thinking that his jewelry was awfully good for someone who specialized in apparel design. Eventually, of course, jewelry became his main focus, and he now sells his line of edgy and gothic-tinged gems everywhere from OAK to Lane Crawford.

This upcoming season is bound to be Chris's biggest yet. In addition to being one of the few jewelry designers invited by Milk to present at their fashion week, Chris has a jewelry collaboration with Seven New York launching this fall. His Milk presentation showcased some his best selling pieces from previous seasons, in addition to his new collection for spring. The new pieces included necklaces made out of metal roses and cuffs constructed from twisting vines of prickly thorns, providing a nice alternative to the ubiquitous spike bracelets that have been everywhere for the past few years. Now I just wish Chris would make some beautiful clothes to match.


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