Marble House: DIY Marbling
A few weeks ago, my friends over at Keds sent me a couple pairs of sneakers. I already had white ones, so when I got a second pair, I decided it was a perfect opportunity to do a DIY. At first I was only planning on dying them at home with some Rit, but once I got to the art supply store I was overwhelmed by the possibilities. After a good amount of deliberation, I ended up picking up the Jacquard Marbling Kit for Fabric and Paper, choosing it because it seemed to have the simplest and most straight-forward directions. Plus, Dick Blick, the art supply store I bought it from, has an extremely helpful instructional video that walks you through the entire process. I didn't want the shoes to be too bright, since I want to be able to wear them everyday and with anything, so I just dyed them very lightly for a watercolor effect. While I was marbling , I also decided to dye a giant white canvas bag that served as a goody bag from the DIY or DIE event we did at Urban Outfitters last year. I decided to go for more intense colors, and you can properly see the marbling effects.
Rather than posting a full set of instructions, I posted the Dick Blick video below. It's a bit time consuming with all the preparations, not to mention a pretty messy affair, but the actual marbling is very easy. It's a really fun way to customize all of the free totes and tees you have lying around, and I definitely suggest you give it a try since the whole kit and all of the extra supplies costs less than $20 total. Next up I'm going to do some notecards, and maybe even try that Marbled Nails DIY that's also floating around youtube...
The Dick Blick instructional video for how to use the Jacquard Marbling Kit
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