Everything's Coming Up Roses

Hand embroidered 'Lunette' tote-bag

To me, there are two categories of craft. The kind that I can DIY, and which I refuse to spend money on, and then the kind which are made with true craftsmanship and skill, which I'm more reluctant to attempt to make at home, and more willing to part with my dollars for. Hand embroidery of any kind definitely falls into the second category for me, as I will never acquire a taste for hand-sewing. I hold the highest amount of respect for people who have more patience than I do, and therefore am slightly smitten by Rose Patate, a line of handmade jewelry, accessory and household goods designed by Rachel Peloquin. Many of her designs feature hand embroidery, quilting, and silk screening, and I'm particularly fond of her quirky little broaches that look like they've been made with the utmost love and care.

Hand embroidered broaches

Plume cotton tote bag featuring tromp-l'oeil feathers

Studded tote bag

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