Katie Gallagher Fall 2010

Christina and I have both skipped the majority of shows we were invited to this week, partially because of all the work we need to do to get our own line in order, but also because of general laziness/inability to cope with nasty New York winter weather/indifference. For the good shows, you're likely to get a better view on Style.com anyway. Of course, there are a few exceptions, and I knew I couldn't miss Katie Gallagher's show, especially since several of my friends helped out (Ashley did a wonderful job with the hair). Once again, Katie delivered a spectacular collection, filled with multi-paneled tops, jackets and leggings, creating looks that were both femme and futuristic. I love the way she mixed incongruous fabrics and textures into sleek, streamlined pieces. The hair and makeup, styled after Katie herself, was also a highlight, featuring melted press-on nails--something I would definitely like to try at home!

Of course the presentation was jam-packed with people, so I couldn't get very many decent pictures, but I did run into a lot of friends, including Nikki, who was wearing a Gareth Pugh coat she got off of eBay for a steal! She gave me some awesome eBaying tips, after managing to score the the Pugh from a girl who apparently didn't know anything about the designer.

These paneled leggings were incredible up close, I wanted to steal them right off of the model

Loving the angular heels on these shoes

Melted acrylic fingernails + killer paneled leggings

Nikki wearing the Gareth Pugh jacket she found on eBay!

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