Blogger Love for Triskaidekaphobia

Susie Bubble wearing the Triskaidekaphobia bandage wrap bracelet available at Kabiri. Photo by Susie.

A couple of days ago, Alexa Chung picked up her Triskaidekaphobia tooth pendant necklace, after admiring her friend Daisy Lowe's. While we're honored to have some of Britain's brightest beauties wearing our jewelry, we're just as ecstatic to have our fellow bloggers, and girls that we know and love, wearing our designs. The best thing about having a blog is joining a community of like-minded individuals, and as corny as it sounds, I can't tell you how much I value the people I've met through blogging, and the relationships that I've subsequently developed. How else would I have met such a diverse array of women (and a few dudes too) from all across the world, and from such different backgrounds? Here are some images from a handful of our favorite bloggers, Style Bubble, Lulu and Your Mom, and The Stylish Wanderer, all wearing Triskaidekaphobia. If you have a piece of ours at home, please send us a picture, we'd love to see it on you too!

Susie Bubble wearing the Triskaidekaphobia black ruffle collar, available at The Moon and Mars. Photo by Style Clicker.

Lulu wearing the Triskaidekaphobia sterling silver restraint ring, available at Kabiri. All of Lulu's photos from Lulu and Your Mom.

Our buckle ring (forth finger from the left, in the middle) amongst Lulu's serious collection of silver jewelry.

The Stylish Wanderer wearing our Triskaidekaphobia tooth drop earrings. Photo by The Stylish Wanderer.

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