Last Night's Parties

Keiko, myself, and Claire at the REVOLVEclothing dinner at Miss Lily's. Photo by Laney.

Last night I was out for nine hours straight, and today I'm fighting a nasty hangover as a result. Not that I'm complaining. It was a fantastic evening which started with a trip up to Good Units to see the Langoliers presentation (full post to come), where I congratulated my friends Pam and Zon, who have spent the past year putting together an incredible line of knit chain and cast metal jewelry. After a quick drink, I went down to Serge Becker's new restaurant, Miss Lily's to meet up with the REVOLVEclothing team, as well as some other blog ladies, for a delicious dinner of (very spicy) jerk chicken, plantains, curried vegetables, and banana pudding. I was so busy alternatively chatting about food and stuffing my mouth with it that I didn't get any picture-taking done, but there are some cute shots from the evening on Laney's blog. When we were finished, I made a quick stop at the Mondrian Soho for the Sony Ericcson Xperia Play party, before heading over to our bi-weekly night at Anchor Bar, where we were throwing a party for designer Lars Andersson. It might have been our best night at Anchor yet, overflowing with cute kids, goth-tinged hits, and an incredible performance by The Black Soft. Another unexpected highlight: our friend Sophia Lamar taking up the role of impromptu-MC for the evening. Thank you to everyone else who made it such an unforgettable evening--I am feeling quite a bit worse for wear, but it was worth it!

Just a few pieces from the Langoliers collection--plenty more photos to come!

The knit chandelier centerpiece that Pam made for the Langoliers presentation

The Black Soft performing at the Lars Andersson party at Anchor Bar

They were dressed in plenty of Lars Andersson knits

The one and only Sophia Lamar!

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