Cities and Cages

Do you ever have those moments where you start to wonder if you have the reverse-Midas touch? As in, those moments when everything around you suddenly turns to s**t in rapid succession? Well I had one of those moments this past Friday, in case you were wondering where I've been. First my iPhone service went out. Then my wireless cable box died and had to be replaced. A couple hours later, the laptop which I had just inherited from my brother a week ago (to replace my dead desktop) crashed. And did I mention that my email server has been acting up too? I must be emitting some terrible technological karma, cause believe it or not, none of these situations were at all related to one another. Nonetheless, most of these problems have since been remedied by professionals (my laptop is still at the Apple store having its hard drive replaced).

Anyway, this is a very long way of saying that the pictures I started taking of the Chromat goodies that Becca kindly lent me mostly disappeared, and I had to recreate/re-shoot them. I've been wearing the spring collection, Cities and Cages, all around the city for the past week. Here's my little diary of where I went and how I wore it...

Day 1: I decided that the asymmetrical body cage dress needed to be worn someplace fun, so I took it out on Tuesday night to meet Nicollette at Le Bain, where our friend Greg K was DJing. Le Bain, which has a large diamond-shaped hot tub, is probably the only place where it's socially acceptable to wear a bathing suit as an outfit, so I decided to take advantage of the fact that the dress worked perfectly with my VPL swimsuit. If you think I'm dressed rather scandalously, you should know that there were plenty of girls frolicking around the tub topless (I can hear my friends alternatively howling in disgust or whooping with delight at their respective office desks), so I was still one of the more modest looking patrons.

Chromat dress, VPL bathing suit, Chloe heels, Gerard Yosca necklace.

Day 2: This cage corset is one of my favorite pieces because it's so versatile. You can throw it on top of any tee or top for instant cagey-ness, but it isn't ostentatious enough to attract unwanted attention. I've been wearing it out quite a bit--even to the Alexander Wang sample sale on Thursday.

Chromat cage corset, tee courtesy of Them Atelier, Risto skirt, Topshop Unique heels, Gerard Yosca cuff, necklace from the district.

Day 3: I wore the ribcage dress on Friday to see Yacht and Black Devil Disco Club play at South Street Seaport. Apparently, everyone I know was there, but I didn't see them cause it was so crowded. Afterwards, I met up with Becca at Webster Hall (where Yacht was also DJing), and she and her friends came wearing her designs, so we had a full Chromat party!

Chromat ribcage dress, H&M jersey dress, Collina Strada bag courtesy of Urban Outfitters, Alexander Wang sunglasses, DIY marbled sneakers courtesy of Keds, Triskaidekaphobia wrap bracelet and ring.

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