Opening Ceremony x Keds

A couple of months ago, Christina and I were walking the Capsule show, when we came across the Keds booth. We were amazed by all their collaborations, but as we poked around, they immediately shoved their Opening Ceremony x Keds samples under the table, telling us that we weren't allowed to see them yet. Well, that of course made me extra curious, and I'm excited to hear that the sneakers that they collaborated on will be available in stores starting tomorrow. The inspiration for this season is different parts of America, and now that Obama is President, I feel like it's time to stop being a self-hating American, and start falling in love with our country again (that is, if the new Heathcare Reform Bill is passed). Most of the shoes are made of fabrics associated with the heartland of America, like acid wash denim and bandannas, and all the styles are unisex. I know that I'm always looking for the perfect pair of flats, and I might just pick up a pair of the acid wash ones for myself!

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