Louie Louie

Me: Ooh, a presentation without models. I kinda like it.
Christina: Oh, you just like it cause it reminds you of shopping.

Seriously though, if models are just meant to be walking clothes hangers, why not just use actual clothing hangers instead? Or more to the point: why bother styling a look on a model when the customer is more likely to buy the pieces separately, as items, and style it themselves? This is more along the lines of what Julian Louie had in mind for his show: a proposal for a wardrobe. The collection was meant to viewed as disparate parts that made up a greater whole. Yes, they were all designed together and fit into the same story, but looking at each piece individually allowed the viewer to think of how they would style it themselves (much like shopping, I suppose).

The small collection was still quite alive, even on hangers. There was a vivacious dress adorned with multi-colored and metallic tassels, which you could imagine moving perfectly on the dancefloor, angular and severe layered dresses and skirts, and of course, there were the shoes. Louie showed some of my favorite shoes this season: collaged suede and ikat platforms that match absolutely nothing, and therefore go with everything. If you're going to start building your wardrobe, you may as well start from the ground up.


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