Twelfth Street

I think I'm coming down with a serious case of date dyslexia, cause even though I obsessive-compulsively check and update my Google Calendar (every five minutes or so), I still manage to mix up dates, times, and A.M. vs. P.M. with alarming frequency. This has caused me to miss plenty of fun and exciting things, and there's nothing worse than showing up somewhere a full twelve hours late (yes, this has actually happened). I was seriously looking forward to the Cynthia Vincent store opening party on Wednesday night, and yet I sat at home futzing around on the computer until midnight before I had that smack-your-forehead moment of "Eep! Wednesday is TONIGHT!" Even though I missed getting a look at the store (and probably massive amounts of fun too), I did take some photos of the Cynthia Vincent collection at their press preview the week before. I was immediately drawn to the leather accessories, and in addition to the gorgeous shoes which have gotten plenty of attention lately, there are some lustworthy supple leather bags added to the mix. The snakeskin satchel above is my favorite, and I also love the classic riding boots with the straps on the back. However, I will still have to make a trip over to the new store at 853 Elizabeth Street soon, as I hear they have a fabulous temporary installation by famed candle-maker and houseware designer, Douglas Little.


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