Mellow Yellow

Rodarte x Target lace cardigan and skirt, Count Aapo tee, Alexander Wang boots, House of Flora hat, Banana Republic lace tights, Triskaidekaphobia friendship necklace, spike and bullet bracelets gift of Frou flu, studded bracelet from St. Marks, Iossolliani ring.

You didn't think I would miss out on the Rodarte for Target collection did you? While I was, on the whole, a little disappointed with many of the pieces, feeling like a lot of the signature Rodarte feel and creepyness was lost in the lower-priced, mainstream collection, there were a few standout pieces. I only managed to make it out to the Brooklyn Target today to pick over the dregs of what was left (very little, and most of it looked like it had been trampled on), but found the very last lace and tulle skirt and cardigan that I had wanted. Not exactly my size, but they fit decently enough. I couldn't resist the odd, retro-feeling mustard yellow color, and combined with the subtle asymmetry, it balances out the overt girlyness of the pieces. Of course Christina got essentially the same pieces while she was in Florida, in addition to the leopard print dress, so don't be surprised if you see us out one night wearing the above outfit (she has almost everything I'm wearing too). Now if I could only get a hold of that leopard dress...

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