Lazy Sunday

Rodarte x Target dress, Vintage sweater, YSL Tribute boots, Devaki hat, and Triskaidekaphobia jewelry

Jimmy and I spent the entire day lounging around and wasting time between our brunch at Little Giant and our dinner at Hiraku's workplace, Menkui Tei. I finally got the Rodarte x Target lace leopard-print dress that I've wanted for so long off of eBay for the same price as it was in stores, and I love it, even though the fit is a little wonky--super tight in the chest area, and super loose at the hips, leaving me a little pear-shaped. I've been wearing it almost everyday since I got in the mail at the beginning of the week. I also stopped by Topshop to see if the Mary Katrantzou collection had dropped, but strangely it hadn't hit the store yet, even though it's already up online. Whatever. I managed to score one of her perfume bottle dresses at the Barney's Warehouse sale on Friday for only a fraction more than what her Topshop collection costs, so I'm happy (pictures to come soon).

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