Vampire Dollies and Cat Queens from Outer Space!!!

No, they aren't the Cullens, but they are a gorgeous vampire clan

Every few months, I have to drop by my dear friend Andrew Yang's studio to check in, catch up on his whirlwind of a life, and see what crazy project he's up to next with his beloved Kouklitas. If you haven't heard, in the past three months Andrew has gone to Hong Kong to do an installation at Joyce, shown his designers dollies at Fashion's Night Out at Barneys New York, designed Anna Wintour and Grace Coddington dolls approved by Anna herself, and conducted a gallery installation of art dolls at SHOWstudio in London. I got a little winded just writing all that down in one sentence, so you can imagine how crazed Andrew has been, especially since he's been doing all of this while simultaneously fabricating his beautiful dollies.

Christina and I stopped to discuss the dolls he's making for us (we made him some doll-sized jewelry for trade), and while we were there, got a peek at some of the newest members of the ever-growing Kouklita clan. Andrew introduced us to his first boy-dolls, who are a part of a larger group of vampire-dollies, who all have fierce fangs and goth attire. He also showed us his Cat Queens From Outer Space, which are covered in millions of hand-embroidered beads and sequins. We caught him in the process of making a bunch of dolls for his former employer, furrier Dennis Basso, including a very accurate depiction of Naomi Campbell (I'm sure she'd approve). Here's a peek!

My favorite Vampire Queen

Scruffier members of the vampire clan

Mary Antoinette-styled Cat Queen

It's hard to see, but this Cat Queen is wearing a fully hand-embroidered body suit with an attached cape!

Dennis Basso dollies

Andrew putting the finishing touches on his Naomi Campbell doll for Dennis Basso

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