To Infinity and Beyond

My BGF (Best Gay Forever), Brandon, is currently interning at Alejandro Ingelmo, so I stopped by last Friday to take a peek at the new collection, while gossiping and snarfing down Baked by Melissa cupcakes (none of the other food-phobic fashion-folk wanted anything to do with them). The collection was filled with sky-high booties with built-in platforms that will literally put your head in the clouds. In spite of the vertiginous heights, Brandon & Co. claim that the shoes are actually quite comfortable---some styles even have built in shock-absorbers etc. I'll have to try them to believe it. Maybe they will lend me a pair so I can give them a test-run myself? I'm personally dying to get my hands on the faux-pony fur booties that are partially covered in a waxy treatment, which gives them an oddly appealing smooth/furry texture. And who could resist the winterized version of Ingelmo's signature strappy-sandal, with all the straps in the same place, but encasing a suede round-toe boot? They look like they belong on the feet of Judy Jetson. Anyway, here is some good old fashioned shoe porn, enjoy!


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