One Track Mind

My favorite piece, an intarsia knit color block dress

About once a year, right when it starts getting a little cold out, I get into a month-long knitting frenzy. My high school Art History teacher once told me that in the "olden days" knitting was considered a repressed form of masturbation. Thankfully this isn't the case anymore, cause I would probably be considered a world class pervert by now. For the past week I've been working on my Rodarte inspired sweater (which is 75% finished), thinking that once I was done, I would take another year-long break. Then yesterday, I happened to come across these gorgeous intarsia knit color-block sweaters from Moon Spoon Saloon. While they also make plenty of incredible woven pieces, Moon Spoon, like their Danish comrade, Henrik Vibskov, have an extraordinary sense of knits, and create plenty of mind-bending patterns in eye-popping color combinations. I love they way they take advantage of the different types of yarn available to create their complex textures, and to fully explore the potential of knit as a textile. Unfortunately, the fuzzy yarn that they use to create the explosively furry texture is quite pricey, and the sweaters themselves are a small fortune. I'm definitely going to save up for a few new balls of yarn, and try this one at home sometime.

A Moon Spoon sweater available at Seven New York

And of course, one of their stunning woven pieces

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