The Bad iPhone Photo Post

Ashish ice cream cone dress! Gosh my mirror's dirty...

So, on Monday I got my new (hand-me down) computer from my brother, which is a big relief. Unfortunately, I also managed to delete the entire contents of my iPhone, including my address book, which is a huge nightmare. I know all bloggers are supposed to be technologically savvy, but I'm pretty incompetent for the most part. I used to be really computer geeky back in the six grade, but then technology sort of whirred by while I failed to progress to a much higher skill level. So my dear friends, please email/text me your phone numbers--that is, unless you don't want me bothering you anymore! Anyway, I did manage to upload all my iPhone photos before the iPhone sync fiasco, so here are some blurry photos that pretty much sum up the last six months.

Water Taxi Beach on Governors Island. We went to see the free Morning Benders concert, which was heavenly.

Jacob of The Drums reading a corrections letter he mailed to NME after they misquoted him in an interview blahblahblah.

Jimmy's ridiculous meat dinner at Balthazar. Unbelievably, he managed to finish it all. Gross.

My chocolate mouse dessert at La Bergamote.

This coin-operated giant mechanical brain ride was on sale at the Housing Works Thrift Shop near my house. It opens up in the center, and is big enough to fit a child or two inside, but I don't know exactly what happens once you get in. Someone actually bought this thing as soon as it arrived.

Snowmanicide (see snowman with stake through its heart, center) at Madison Square Park after the blizzard.

Marina Abramovic and at the MoMA. I went to see her sit three times.

The Kentucky Derby and Southern finery

The giant mechanical dragon at Wicked. I normally loathe musicals (they give me second hand embarrassment, along with all those dancing shows that Christina loves), but this one was pretty good.

One of the many desserts at my cousin Serena's wedding. Check out her food blog here.

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