Non-Bummer Summer

If you're stuck in the city for the rest of this sticky endless summer, there a couple of cute events to look forward to...

Tomorrow and Friday, VPL will be hosting a Rag Tag sale featuring vintage clothing and accessories from local clothes horses like Victoria Bartlett and Arden Wohl. Additionally, there will be a Rag Tag sale hosted by TAO, with proceeds benefiting Japan. I do not know if this means that there will be actual TAO merchandise on hand, but I have my fingers crossed!

Every summer, Adidas hosts a soccer tournament featuring downtown's finest, with teams from Opening Ceremony, Vice Magazine, The Smile, etcetera. There's free barbeque and beer, and probably cute boys too (not that I'm looking!).

Next weekend, recently launched Terrific Magazine will be hosting a Pool Supplies Sale, at Union Pool in Brooklyn featuring wares from local (and personal) favorites like Suzanne Rae, Timo Weiland, Dusen Dusen, Elizabeth Knight + many, many more.


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