{ gettin lucky }

if you're following my twitter feed, then this is totally like, yesterday's news: the november issue of lucky magazine is out and i am honored to be their blogger-of-the-month!

what exactly does that mean? well, for starters i get to see my mug in glossy print, but better yet i get to guest blog for their site for an entire week (october 19th-23rd)!

what should i talk about? what would you all like to read that you're not getting enough of here? this is the big time, and i need some seriously scintillating stories. help a girl out?

also, just for kicks, i thought you might like to see the full-page costume shots they totally accidentally forgot to run:

wearing: reworked vintage jacket, rag+bone shirtdress, d+g booties, sefl-designed jewelry from the glamporium

now then, suggestions please...

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