Fantastic flavor fancies--Sick like Sid and Nancy--Wicked as a joyride jaunt

I know I post a lot of dark, semi-gothy stuff on this blog, but believe it or not, I'm really into the whole Disney Princess thing too. Even though Erickson Beamon mostly makes costume jewelry, their pieces are worthy of the finest royals. Their presentation, which was set to the music of a live violinist and opera singer, and modeled by preening ballerinas, had all the trappings of femme fantasy that I secretly adore. Presentation aside, I've been a longtime fan of the jewelry, and the incredibly ornate and complex stoning, knowing how much time-consuming labor is involved in creating such over-the-top pieces. While they use a lot of traditionally costume rhinestones and oversized glass jewels, and have strong historical reference points, what they do with them is entirely unique, and ahead of the curve. For many seasons I've admired their armor like jeweled vests and tops, which make every other bodychain look like Canal Street jank, and for the first time I got to see their baroque masks, which included a piece with metal eyelashes. One of my favorite pieces wasn't jewelry at all--it was a stone-encrusted chandelier, dripping with strands of globular pearls. If I were a real Disney Princess, I would make sure to fill my entire castle with these.

I dream of one day owning an Erikson Beamon chandelier--over-the-top and outrageously stunning.

Ice on ice


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