In the middle of America (The End)

   Il y a les buildings, les cheeseburgers, Urban Outfitters, les soft cookies, mais au-delà de nos caprices, il y a l'Amérique, la vraie. Hormis l'ovni "Las Vegas", les derniers miles des 2000 que comptait notre virée nous ont réservé des tableaux fascinants, bien plus dépaysants que n'importe quelle artère de centre ville.

   There are buildings, cheeseburgers, Urban Outfitters and soft cookies but beyond our whims, there is America, the real one. Except the UFO named "Las Vegas", our last miles in Far West gave us the opportunity to enjoy amazing landscapes, much more out of space and time than any big cities.

Pull American Apparel vintage, slim Levi's, ballerines Zara
Robe à pois Zara
American Apparel vintage sweater, Levi's jeans, Zara ballet pumps
Zara dot dress
Photos : Damien D. et moi

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