Chris Habana Party at Anchor Bar This Thursday

This Thursday, we'll be throwing our bi-weekly party at Anchor Bar (310 Spring St) for our incredibly talented friend, Chris Habana, and his Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 collections. The party coincides with Chris's jewelry pop-up store, The Box (129 Rivington), which features his designs, alongside Christina's line, Arms and Armory, and other local talents Bijules, Bliss Lau, Bevel and Elizabeth Knight. Chris will DJ with Atom and Michael Cavadias, and there will be plenty of Grey Goose to go around. I hear he'll also be giving guests special discount coupons for The Box, so you must stop by! Here are some photos that Christina's boyfriend James took of the popup.

Chris Habana

Arms and Armory


Bliss Lau


Elizabeth Knight

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