Camden Souvenir
Veste Zara, blouson en jean et collants H&M, chemise et sac vintage, chaussures Jeffrey Campbell, broche Violette Van Parys
Zara jacket, H&M denim jacket and tight, vintage shirt and bag, Jeffrey Campbell shoes, Violette Van Parys brooch
Zara jacket, H&M denim jacket and tight, vintage shirt and bag, Jeffrey Campbell shoes, Violette Van Parys brooch
(Photos, Paris, Place d'Anvers)
Cette chemise 100% trouée, recousue, rapiécée (mais tellement confortable) a une histoire. Après l'avoir évidemment d’abord repérée (phase 1), puis longuement étudiée (phase 2), pour finalement me dire que « de toute façon » je ne la porterai jamais (phase 3 totalement incohérente), j’ai brillamment décidé de faire demi-tour une demi-heure après, parcourant en sens inverse les allées de Camden Market (c’est toujours différent dans l’autre sens) pour aller fièrement l’acheter. Ca peut paraître puéril, superficiel et capricieux mais c’est Londres, les fripes et la mode.
Totally full of holes, sewn up and patched up (but so comfortable), this shirt has a story. I spotted it first (step 1), then I watched it closely (step 2) and finally decided not to take it, thinking I would never really wear it (step 3, totally incoherent). Half an hour later, I decided to turn back, going through the paths of Camden Market in the opposite direction to buy it proudly. Maybe it seems childish, superficial and whimsical but it is London, secondhand clothes and fashion after all.
Totally full of holes, sewn up and patched up (but so comfortable), this shirt has a story. I spotted it first (step 1), then I watched it closely (step 2) and finally decided not to take it, thinking I would never really wear it (step 3, totally incoherent). Half an hour later, I decided to turn back, going through the paths of Camden Market in the opposite direction to buy it proudly. Maybe it seems childish, superficial and whimsical but it is London, secondhand clothes and fashion after all.
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