Capeline en ville
2:01 PM
Labels: capeline , HetM , outfits , Paris , printemps 2010 , spring 2010 , tendance bucolique , Urban Outfitters , Willy Ronis , Zara
Labels: capeline , HetM , outfits , Paris , printemps 2010 , spring 2010 , tendance bucolique , Urban Outfitters , Willy Ronis , Zara
Loin des clichés qui gravitent autour de la capeline souvent associée aux champs de blé ensoleillés, j'ai eu envie de porter ma capeline en plein Paris sur les bords de Seine. Certainement parce que la tendance bucolique s'invite en ville cette année et peut-être parce que je revenais tout juste d'une exposition qui m'a grandement inspirée et donné un réel sentiment de liberté : l'exposition du photographe humaniste Willy Ronis, Willy Ronis, une poétique de l'engagement, à la Monnaie de Paris (jusqu'au 22 août) que je vous conseille vivement !
Wide-brimmed hat in town
The wide-brimmed hats are often associated with summer and wheatfields but I decided to wear mine in Paris along the Seine river. Why ? Because of the bucolic trend wich will be spread over the city this year and because of the Willy Ronis exhibition (in the Monnaie de Paris till august 22nd) I have just visited before. It really inspired me.
The wide-brimmed hats are often associated with summer and wheatfields but I decided to wear mine in Paris along the Seine river. Why ? Because of the bucolic trend wich will be spread over the city this year and because of the Willy Ronis exhibition (in the Monnaie de Paris till august 22nd) I have just visited before. It really inspired me.
Blouse h&m et capeline Zara (collections actuelles), jupe Urban Outfitters et compensées Office (anciennes collections), Collier Cats Eyes Pink Ribbon
H&M blouse and Zara wide-brimmed hat (current collection), Urban Outfitters skirt, Office wedges, Pink Ribbon Cats Eyes necklace
Photos : Quai Conti, Paris
H&M blouse and Zara wide-brimmed hat (current collection), Urban Outfitters skirt, Office wedges, Pink Ribbon Cats Eyes necklace
Photos : Quai Conti, Paris
Photo Willy Ronis - Pluie Place Vendôme, Paris 1947
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