"Come as you are, as you were"..

...résonnait dans nos oreilles, sur nos chemins de campagne, éblouis par le soleil, chapeaux au vent, sourires aux lèvres, on prenait notre dose de bon air "à la maison".

...the song resounded in our ears, on our country roads, dazzled by the sun, hats flying in the wind, with smiles on our faces, we made the most of our weekend at home.

Gilet et débardeur American Vintage, jupe Camaïeu (vue ici), capeline Asos (vue ici), sandales Zara (ancienne collection), bracelet serpent Gas bijoux
American Vintage cardigan and vest, Camaïeu skirt (also here), Asos hat (also here), Zara sandals (old collection), Gas bijoux snake bracelet
Photos : Damien D.

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