Morceaux choisis
3:13 PM
Labels: Cabourg , fall 2010 , Naf Naf , outfits , Robert Clergerie , Shourouk , Zara
Labels: Cabourg , fall 2010 , Naf Naf , outfits , Robert Clergerie , Shourouk , Zara
Si je ne suis pas entourée d'artistes, un des membres de ma famille est un peintre passionné. Lorsque cette personne m'a demandé une photo bien spéciale en guise de modèle pour son prochain tableau, je me suis lancée dans cette série, comme des instants figés un samedi à l'abri de la pluie.
Selected pieces
I don't know many artists but a member of my family is a painter. This person recently ask me to send her a special picture by way of model for her next painting. She gave us the idea of making pictures like these ones a rainy saturday.
I don't know many artists but a member of my family is a painter. This person recently ask me to send her a special picture by way of model for her next painting. She gave us the idea of making pictures like these ones a rainy saturday.
Photos : Hotel Le Cabourg, Cabourg
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